Friday, May 31, 2013

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks For Men

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks For Men
It’s Friday the weather’s warm and you’re fresh out of work or the gym and ready to enjoy a couple drinks to celebrate your weekend.  But how do you do this without completely undermining all your progress at the gym?  I mean that beach body isn’t making itself, right?  So what’s a guy to do if he wants to work out during the week but enjoy a tasty beverage during on the weekend?  Below are some drinks that can help you unwind without packing on the pounds.  

If you love beer, think about drinking Guinness, since it’s a stout its heavier than normal beers and more filling.  However it only has 128 calories per 12 ounces.  In addition to this a University of Wisconsin study says that it can also help to reduce blood clots.

Anything on the Rocks
As men we really don’t need mixers anyway, especially if you’re trying to keep off the belly fat, since many times mixers have a lot of calories.  If you really do have an issue with the taste of liquor on ice you could always try some flavor infused varieties.
Whiskey on the Rocks-

Fizzy Lemonade
Mix tequila, vodka, and diet lime-lemon (its lower in calories plus some people say that full calorie lemon lime soda is too sweet), to get a healthy and refreshing cocktail, that wound add on the pounds.
Fizzy Lemonade-

Gin and Tonic
This drink is incredibly low in calories, with only 100 calories per 4 ounces.  
Tanqueray and Tonic-

Bloody Mary
This drink is loaded to the gills with blood-pressure lowering vegetables and horseradish a known fighter of disease.
Bloody Mary -

Vodka and Soda with Lime
Probably my personal favorite because I love having club soda with lime, if I’m not going to drink that night.  This drink is great for when you desire something a little lighter than shots of hard liquor.  Just take some vodka, some club soda, ice, and a lime slice and boom! You have a light refreshing low calorie drink ready to go.
Vodka with Club Soda and Lime-

Whiskey and Green Tea
A great drink for cool nights, this drink has all kinds of additional health benefits like boosting your health, like lowering your cholesterol level and boosting your immune systems defenses.  
Whiskey and Green Tea
White and Red Wine
I’m not really a wine fan personally, but if you are these two kinds of wine  are great.  Wine is low in calories and when consumed in moderation can provide numerous health benefits.  Red wine is an antioxidant and can help protect you from cancer.  White wine has fewer carbs per serving than red, 2g per 5 oz serving rather than 4g like red wine, so either way you are drinking healthy.

White, Red, and Pink Wine-
Light Beer
Not the healthiest option but still better than its full bodied alternative, these beers should be consumed in moderation.  Today light beer is incredibly low calorie with some beers having well under 100 calories.

Whatever you choose remember moderation is key, there is no point in drinking healthy if you are going to overdo it and undermine all your hard work. Cheers.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Top 5 Places To Pick Up Ladies In The Spring And Summer

Top 5 Places To Pick Up Ladies In The Spring And Summer

Almost a month into spring and we are now in the middle of one of my favorite parts of the year, CHOOSING SEASON!!!!

What is choosing season you might ask? It’s that magical time of the year where the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and the dresses get shorter as women and come out of their recently thawed out apartments and dorm rooms to take advantage of the weather...and the scenery (that includes us fellas) as they look to find a new fling or boyfriend.  Here just watch this educational video for more information.

Now I don’t know how your parents raised you but I was always told it was rude to keep a lady waiting. I mean what kind of men would we be to keep these poor girls on the hook? So if you’re like me and you want to leave them dangling on a different kind of hook (yaaaah buddy) it’s important to find to avoid wasting time and go where the ladies are. 

The Beach
Seems obvious right?  Beaches are great places to meet women in the warm weather months.  Men love to look at women, especially when they’ve already done a lot of the hard work for us and have already shown up with such scantily clad…attire.  However there’s a difference between looking and leering so make sure you know it.   

Work it to your favor:  Bring a ball or Frisbee with you and invite her and her friends to play.  If you want to scan out the hottest chicks without raising the ‘perv flag’ of every women in your immediate area wear sunglasses, the more reflective the better, what they don’t know can’t hurt ‘em.

Any Summer Opening Event
These are great places to scope out your next future ex-girlfriend.  Many times if a bar, restaurant, or gallery of some kind is opening in the summer they will usually have an outdoor area, they will also likely have discounts on food or drinks, which is great because you need fuel before hunting, and saving money is always a good decision.

Work it to your favor:  If you can, try to throw a party or social event there. Since the place doesn’t yet have a social reputation women won’t necessarily be expecting to be picked up.  Also being the person who throws a party brings with it a lot of social status that some women find pretty attractive.  Finally since everything in these places is new you’ll have tons of conversation material (comment on the décor, the menus, etc)

Concerts, Festivals, And Other Outdoor Events
No grand openings in your area? No problem, find a concert, fair, or festival to go to.  These places are usually loaded with good vibes (women) great tunes (women) fun activities (women) and great food (women).  Meeting women here should be no problem.  

Work it to your favor:  If you meet them at a concert or music festival they probably already know about the band(s) and some of the songs, maybe even the genre so you already have loads of easy conversation starters right there.  If you’re at a fair there is no shortage of activities on site to invite her to choose from to try with you.

Parks, Cafes, Restaurants w/Patio
Another obvious but important place to mention, these places are high traffic areas attracting a lot of people who want to get outside and enjoy the day. They also attract a lot of ladies especially those who like to people watch.  

Work it to your favor:  Bring a good camera and take pictures in the park, casually ask her to be in some of the pictures.  If you can take your dog with you to there and make sure you sit outside. Nothing starts a conversation better than a cute puppy who “accidentally” wanders over towards her while you were taking a walk/sipping coffee/etc, plus if she likes dogs you know she’s at least not a sociopath so that’s always a plus.  Finally you can always bring a Frisbee and invite her and her friends to join you as a great way to break the ice.

Camping Sites
Get some of your friends together and go find some women at a camping site.  Since both groups are out there to camp you’ll already have a common interest.  Plus women don’t really expect to get picked up at a camping site so their guard will probably be down.  Also because they don't expect to get picked up it creates spontaneity, and if they are camping it's probably a vacation (ladies love vacation sex, seriously though who doesn't) Bonfires, a good amount of booze, moonlight hikes in the woods or on the beach or at the lake (chicks really like those last two).  This environment kind of screams romantic adventure, it'd be unmanly of you not to take advantage of such a great location.

Work it to your favor:  Make sure you have gourmet but outdoorsy food you can cook on a grill, things like smoked oysters, mushroom stuffed caps with pesto are great to bring because they are sensual foods.  Also you can bring fresh fruit and chocolates which are also sensual and snack like helping set the tone without being obvious.  Bring beer but also bring something women may be more likely to drink, such as sangria or wine (many chicks really dig wine, it gives them all warm and fuzzy, you want to be the guy who gave her that feeling).

Go For It
Whatever place you choose always have some kind of basic idea about the environment, taking into account things that can be used to start conversation or used as an activity.  As an extra note if you’re going out to a social venue keep in mind that the women who go out on off nights like a Monday or Tuesday to go out on the prowl will be easier to spot than if they were going out on a Friday or a weekend, when other non-prowl oriented (roadblocks) women are out with their friends as well. Work these venues to your advantage and you’ll be sure to come out of it with a lovely lady on your arm, hell maybe two if you play it right.  Summer doesn’t last forever so get going today.  Carpe Diem.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Welcome to HIM—Health Improvement For Men a blog by men for men who are constantly trying to keep their game up.  This is a blog on the matters that are important to us men the most all health, wealth, and carpe diem (seizing the day).  We’ll be providing you with regular musings on everything from how to get that dream six pack, to how to keep your lady coming back for more in the sack and everything in between (pun intended). Right now since we are just starting out we’ll be updated bi- or even tri-weekly.  But if things pick up that may increase to daily. So buckle up and enjoy the ride.