Friday, September 13, 2013

6 Things that could help improve your sleep

Feel tired even though you went to bed at 11 and woke up at 8? Find yourself slurring your words even though you are completely sober? Failed at lifting a weight even though you've succeeded at it before, or even passed up a hot date for a night with the TV? You may be suffering from a lack of quality sleep.  Below are five ways to improve the quality of your sleep and hopefully help you avoid looking like a zombie.

1. Take a measurement of your sleep quality.

It used to be that when you wanted to analyze the quality of your sleep you had to go to the doctors office and be subjected to invasive overnight polysomnography tests. Today you can easily buy a nightstand bedside sleep manager that will tell you how long you slept as well as how deeply or lightly you slept.

2. Keep the right temperature

The best sleep comes when your bodies core temperature is at its lowest. That does not mean aiming for hypothermia, but changes in your body temperature can disrupt your sleep patterns.  For optimal effect keep your bodies temp between 68 and 73 degrees.

3. Good Neck Support

This one is rather obvious anything you lay on should be capable of supporting your head and neck for 7 to 9 hours. Make sure you have a good pillow to do this.

4. Air Quality

Pets and other allergens in the bedroom can be detrimental to a good nights rest, because they can cause stuffiness and other nasal difficulties, keeping an air purifier in the room can go a long way to keeping the air irritant free.

5. Noise Levels

Keeping noise levels low and consistent may not be possible in your situation but it is the best way to have a disturbance free sleep.