Monday, June 17, 2013

Top 10 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension in the US was taking an increasing toll on the men and women of this fine country.  We spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year directly or indirectly on expensive hypertension medication, that in many cases can conflict with other medications or cause pesky little negative reactions, up to and including death for those who don't consult a doctor about taking the appropriate hypertension medications.  Recently, and by recently I mean over the last two decades, there has been a larger push to find a more natural solution to maintaining lower blood pressure or at least one that doesn't conflict with your Viagra medication.  Many different foods have natural ingredients compounds and minerals in them that when taken in moderation can over time make your heart almost bullet proof ensuring lower blood pressure levels and an overall healthier lifestyle.  Below are a list of the top 10 foods that lower blood pressure.

Fruits- There is no real mystery as to why fruits are so great at lowering blood pressure.  Many are high in fiber, and have high levels of antioxidants.  Other fruits like bananas are rich in potassium a known blood pressure lowering mineral.  If you are not getting enough fruit in your diet make sure you add some immediately. 
Dark Chocolate - Rich in flavonoid a muscle relaxing, blood pressure lowering chemical be sure to adding small amounts of this to your diet will lower your blood pressure.
Omega-3 Fish- Fish contains the blood pressure lowering super ingredient Omega-3 fatty acid.  Tuna, salmon, halibut, and cod are exceptionally rich in these ingredients. 
Sprouts - Whether its brussel sprouts or bok choy, sprouts are incredibly nutritious, and have high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and proteins as well as many anti-carcinogens,  so these foods are great at preventing cancer and lowering blood pressure.  Double whammy.
Milk and other calcium sources - Foods with high calcium content are well known for lowering blood pressure, they also help fight off obesity when eaten in moderation.
Nuts and seeds- seeds like sunflower seeds are high in magnesium which is exceptional at controlling and lowering blood pressure over time.

Spinach, Kale, Leafy Greens - These super greens contain magnesium, iron, folate, and vitamin C making them nutrient rich, and great for lowering blood pressure.

Whole Grains-   High amounts of sodium are a key contributor to high blood pressure.  
Whole grains are rich in magnesium and potassium two minerals notorious for lowering sodium levels and therefore helping to lower your blood pressure. 

Dry Nuts and Fruits - These are low in sodium and high in proteins which is exceptionally good at fighting high blood pressure and heart disease. 
Fresh and Dry Herbs - They're for more than just adding more taste to your favorite soups and pastas.  Herbs are loaded with ingredients that can fight off high blood pressure.  Some of the better ones for that thyme, sage, turmeric, cilantro, peppermint, oregano, and parsley. 
Adding these heart healthy foods to your diet will lower your blood pressure, and may even save your life.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Millennials in The Work Place

Millennials In The Work Place

Find yourself struggling to understand the new office creature that is the Millennial?  This video will show you how to better communicate with them, and to get them to do helpful things, like show up within 40 minutes of their actual start time or work at all.

Rising hypertension in the USA

Hypertension in the USA
heart health-

With the rise of obesity in the United States hypertension has also been rising affecting men and women alike.  However if you are a male you will be slightly more at risk, especially if you are over 45. In addition to this younger men between 18-39 are at an even significantly higher risk for hypertension than women of the same age.

Here some basic info on the issue.  I'll be writing a follow up on what you can do to protect yourself soon.